Thursday, January 18, 2007

Why Are You Wasting Your Time at Work?

According to a Web survey by America Online and, the average American worker admits to wasting 2.09 hours per day at work, not counting lunch. While most managers/supervisors expect the average employee to waste about an hour a day, the results of this survey were startling. These 2.09 hours per person per day add up to a whopping $759 billion in salaries! Of the 10,044 people who responded, 44.7% cited personal Internet use, such as email, IM-ing or games, as the No. 1 time-waster at work.

If you find yourself wasting a lot of time at work, ask yourself these simple questions:

Do you need more job responsibilities? In all, 33.2% of people surveyed cited "not having enough work to do" as the No. 1 excuse for wasting time. But these time-wasters never inform their supervisors/managers that he or she has available time and needs more work to do. If you're sitting at your desk planning your next vacation or chatting or trying to buy/sell on eBay (looking at the "deals"), then you're not really doing your job as an employee because you're looking or pretending like you're working, but you're not." Most of the times the problem with these people is they intentionally prolong the tasks assigned to them. In other words, they deliberately do the job at a snail's pace lest the boss will give additional work! And surprise of the surprise, these are the people who always complain that they have lot to work and they don't have enough time!

What annoys me most are those who just waste time by talking - a LOT! They go on and on about how their little one gets excited watching a particular cartoon show! How he/she doesn't like vegetables! How he fell of the bike (sorry to hear that but for God's sake just don't reproduce the whole scene including mimicking the little devil's cries!). Yes, these are cute little things. May be for the parents! Not for everyone! These loose talkers or chronic sufferers of verbal diarrhea not only waste their time but disturb others too. The most annoying/mysterious thing is they don't even care whether you are listening or not, they just go on and on and on and on.....

The question then is are you being watched? It's entirely possible that your wasting time has been noticed by the higher-ups. Unless your boss himself/herself is a time-waster, employers definitely watch productivity and know who is doing the job and who isn't. So, don't be under any mis-apprehensions. If you value your job or want that much needed raise, get back in the game and make amends. It's never late. Admit to your supervisor/boss that you have been under performing, and ask what you can do to be given more challenges.

Or may be you just have to move on. May be you should start looking for a new job? Just don't do that in the office! Nothing can be more blasphemous! Actually, wasting time at work could be a signal of your unhappiness at your job. If you notice yourself increasingly wasting time, ask yourself how valuable that time is to you; perhaps it's time to start putting your time and energy towards work you'll enjoy, rather than suffering through work you do not.

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